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Are You Making This Critical Website Copy Mistake? Features vs. Benefits

September 30, 20241 min read
Website Copy Mistakes: Converting Features to Benefits | Small Business Guide

Is your website failing to convert visitors into customers? You might be making the most common copywriting mistake I see in small business websites: focusing on the features instead of the benefits.

The Feature-Benefit Disconnect

Your product/service might have the most impressive features in the market, but here's the harsh truth: your customers don't care about features. They care about what those features can do for them.

What's the Difference?

  • A feature is what your product/service has or does

  • A benefit is how it makes your customer's life better

The Simple Formula for Converting Features to Benefits

Use this proven formula: [Feature] + ‘which means’ + [Benefit to Customer]

Example 1

Feature-focused: ‘Our software uses AI technology’

Benefit-focused: ‘Our AI technology saves you 10 hours every week on data entry, giving you more time to grow your business’

Example 2

Feature-focused: ‘24/7 customer support’

Benefit-focused: ‘Get help exactly when you need it, so your business never misses a beat’

Action Steps for Your Website

  1. List every feature of your product/service

  2. Ask "So what?" after each feature

  3. Keep asking this question until you reach the core benefit(s)

  4. Rewrite your copy leading with the benefits

  5. Support the benefits with features as proof

Remember: Your customers buy outcomes, not features. So make every word count.

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