7 Game-Changing Newsletter Writing Tips Your Subscribers Will Love
Ever stared at a blank screen, wondering how to make your newsletter stand out in crowded inboxes? You're not alone. As a copywriter who's crafted oodles of newsletters, I've discovered what makes readers click, read, and come back for more.
Write Like That Friend Everyone Loves to Hear From
Remember that friend whose emails you always open? The one who makes you feel like they're sitting across from you at a coffee shop? That's your newsletter role model.
Instead of: 'We are pleased to announce our latest product updates.'
Try: 'Hey! I'm super excited to share something that'll make your life easier...'
The 90/10 Rule That Changes Everything
Think of your newsletter as a friendship. If you only called your friends when you needed something, how long do you think they’d stick around?
That's why I swear by the 90/10 rule:
90% helpful, entertaining, or valuable content
10% gentle promotion
For example: One of my client's pet store newsletters dedicates most of its space to pet care tips, funny animal stories, and seasonal advice. So, their product promotions feel natural because they've already provided so much value.
Subject Lines That Actually Get Clicks
Let's play a game. Which would you open?
‘March Newsletter’
‘Is your dog secretly bored? 3 tail-telling signs’
The second one, right? Here's why it works:
It creates curiosity
It addresses a specific concern
It promises valuable information, and
It feels personal
The Art of Scannable Content
Nowadays we all scan first. We’ve become a nation of scanners, more so than readers. So, make it easy for your readers by including:
🔹 Bite-sized paragraphs (like this one!)
🔹 Engaging subheadings that tell a story
🔹 Bullet points for quick takeaways
🔹 Strategic bold text for key points
🔹 Emojis as visual breaks (but don't go overboard 😉)
One Email = One Goal
Here's a mistake I see often: cramming multiple calls-to-action into one newsletter. It's like giving someone 5 different maps to 5 different destinations. In which case, they'll likely go nowhere.
Instead, choose one primary goal:
Share knowledge
Gather feedback
Promote a specific offer
Build relationship
Drive event registration
The Sweet Spot Length
Remember that friend who talks for hours about their vacation? Well, don't be that newsletter.
The magic length I've found through testing is closer to:
300-500 words for general updates
200 words or less for quick announcements
Up to 1000 words or more for general deep dives - however, the optimal length will vary depending on your audience and content type
End With an Invitation, and Not Pressure
Instead of ‘Buy now!’ try:
What's your take on this?
Hit reply and tell me your biggest challenge with…
Which tip resonated most with you?
Tip: The Preview Test
Before hitting send, I always:
Send a test email to myself
Open it on my mobile (where around 60% of subscribers will read it)
Scan it in 5 seconds
Then I ask: ‘Would I keep reading?’
Your Next Steps
Start small. Pick one tip from this post and apply it to your next newsletter. Watch your open rates and responses. Adjust >> Repeat.
Remember, great newsletters aren't just opened – they're anticipated. They're the emails that make your subscribers think, ‘Oh good, it's from [your name]!’
Good luck!